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God has given each of us unique gifts and experiences to serve one another and our community.
However, the enemy often tries to plant seeds of doubt when we seek to honor our Father. Many have believed the lies: "I don't belong," "I don't have any gifts," "My talents aren't as good as others'," "I don't have time," or "It won't be worth it." Some may even feel that "God and the church don't care or don't notice if I serve."
But in 1 Corinthians 12:14-27, we are reminded that each of us plays a vital role in the body of Christ. It brings joy to our Father when we come together to serve and support one another!
If you are unsure where you fit or are wrestling with doubts, we are here to walk alongside you. Whether you're seeking a place to serve, exploring new ministry opportunities, or wanting to share how serving has impacted your life, our team is ready to help you find your place in this vibrant community of service!
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